Monday, December 20, 2010

RE: MMC1986 Train & my childhood

.........trains and line which was integral part of my childhood was sidelined(nepathyakke sariyithu!).
I started travelling in train after graduation & travelled significantly. My fascination for train changed into aversion because failure of trains to keep up the trend, failure to upgrade, dirt, filth, corruption, failure to maintain time.
I still travel medium distances in train because of my dislike for car & unfound phobia of DVT in bus journey!.......contd

- original message -
Subject: MMC1986 Train & my childhood
From: "Lokesh" <>
Date: 21:12:2010 3.16 am

The childhood which I remember vividly was between 5 & 12 years of age. Before the age of 5 years, I am not able to recall properly. I donot consider life after the age of 12years as childhood(obviously!).

I was in a place called Bhadravathi at the said period. There was a railway line in front of my house. Morning 3 trains(? I think) and evening 3 trains used go regularly. Trains which used the track during noon and night were not used to come to my notice as either I was in school or sleeping respectively.
I didnot travel in train/s in that period even once, but trains were some sort of standard in my life during the period!. I am supposed to get up before the whistle of first train(? 6am). Otherwise, my mum used to wake me up telling that train was gone(as if I am supposed to catch train!). I am supposed to get ready before the whistle of second train(?8am) on saturdays & before whistle of 3rd train on week days(?9am). I am expected to come back home after evening 'play' before first evening train(?6.15pm) & go to bed before last evening train(?9.30pm). Iam expected to not to go out of railway line during 'play' sojourn. Not to ride bicycle out of railway line!. My classmates from areas outside railway line are like 'aliens'. I was astonished by the life outside the line when I was taken to that side once in 3 or 6 months. Anybody who hits 'gilli' or ball outside the lines supposed to get new'gilli' or ball while playing gilli dandu or cricket, but not suposed to cross said line to fetch gilli or ball!. Our favourite pastime(whenever somebody had 10 paise!) was to keep 10 paise coin on the line before train and see how large 10 paise had become once train moved over it. Occationally 'goods' train used take the track. It was 'unsaid pact' between myself and my neighbour, who was one year senior in school, to alert each other when goods train comes. So that we used to count number of containers, which sometimes go upto 60-70!.(we are still in touch with each other. He is a civil engineer in Bangalore's 'namma metro' converting the design into concrete!).
We moved to a different house with my teens which is far removed from railway lines................contd

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