Sunday, January 23, 2011

Great false story

Yesterday, under unavoidable circumstance, I have to take 'autorickshaw' which I despised. During. the journey, happened to strike conversation with the driver. All autos' in Bangalore run on LPG. I asked driver about the mileage (which is basic Indian instinct) and astonished to hear that economically gas and petrol do not make much difference but LPG run vehicle needs frequent repair.
In India, we all know that fuel is subsidised and subsidies to diesel and domestic LPG are highest. Domestic LPG cost Rs15/litre whereas auto LPG cost Rs42/litre which do not get any subsidy.
Let us come to real road situation. All big fancy cars & SUVs run on diesel(with occational exception). That means subsidy which given for public and goods transport is being utilised by the rich who should not get it!.
Auto driver, whose life and family depends on running auto is not getting any subsidy for the fuel (on which his life depends)!!!!!!!!.
So, there is talk about subsidies for the poor but actually it is benifiting the rich.
I enjoyed the story of ant and grosshopper when I received it in the inbox. When I came to know about fuel 'false' story, I realised that ant & grosshopper story is also false one. We enjoy it, because we think that we are ants but we may not!!!.

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